Class 12 HSEB Nepal Information system

Information system
The interaction between user and machine to collect data and information under the control of user is called information system.

Its main task is to provide the right data to the user at right time so that the user can take the right decision.

There are 6 types of the information system.
1.      Office automation system: The information system that provide general office package from managing and handling the documents to facilitating the communication is called office automation system.

It helps to improve the productivity of person managing the data and information.

E.G   MS-word for word processing
         MS-Excel for spreadsheet
         MS-Power point for Presentation. 

2.      Transaction processing system: The information system that manage the transaction of the organization is called transaction processing system.

Halt in TPS lead to halt in all other systems.

E.G   Failure of ticket booking at airport disturb all other systems.
                      Electronic attendance system at schools/colleges.

3.      Manager information system: The information system that provide the data in form of standardization and display to the manager is called manager information system.

It took data from the TPS, and provide it to the manager in useful aggregated form.

It is used by middle level manager and supervisors.

E.G   Monthly income and expenditure of the organization.
         Monthly total order and production in a company.

4.      Decision Support system: The information system used by the high-level management to take the required decision is called Decision support system.
DSS provides data analyzing, data modeling and interactive presentation facility.

DSS provide analytical modeling, data retrieval and information presentation capabilities.

The process allows managers to generate the information.

By using DSS, managers make more effective decision in a computer based process.

E.G Sales regional analysis system. 

5.      Expert information system: the information system that is designed to help the senior management system of the organization to make the strategy is known as Expert information system.

It attempts to codify and manipulate rather than information.

  It works at top level of the organization.

It collects analyses and summarize the many internal and external information of the organization used in the business and extract the required knowledge for the senior managers.

    Information system used in the cockpit of plane by pilot.

6.      Geographical information system: it is an information system that captures, stores, analyses, manages and presents the data related to geography.

GIS is used in Geography, remote sensing, Archeology, land surveying, urban planning.

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